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Seeking Fellowship – 2018.1203

"Seeking Fellowship"
Watercolor & Pastel on Blue Paper
11" x 14"
Dec. 03, 2018

Trying Despretly to Engrain this as a Holiday Tradition

I've managed to get these Xmas card fronts out in 2012, 2016, and now again in 2018. The fox speaks to me as a cheesy sort of spirit animal. Now that I have married and gained a bonus son + husband, I have included them too as the kit and sleeping fox in my winter journey. Just like in real life, I'm showing the little kit many of life's wonders as his dad snoozes away the morning hours, before sunrise. Early bird and worms I suppose.

The 2017 Card that went by the wayside

I started this one out back in 2017 and quickly became too wrapped up in my new job and married life so it sat in the guest bedroom for a whole year till I told myself it was going to get finished come hell or high water. Well, neither arrived but my butt was in gear and made it in time to send out 75 of these little 5x7s out to my closest friends and family. I hope they enjoy them as much as I enjoy seeing the little fox show a new adventure time and again.