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Hunger Strike – 2010.0900b

"Hunger Strike"
Pastels and Charcoal on Paper
5" x 7"
Sept 2010

Zombie Garden Fairy Part 2

Well, Phantom Caste (the music band of my then boyfriend) was needing cover art for their CD release so I've had zombie apparitions in my head lately. I thought it best to get some of that out on paper. The results were a little zombie meets my lovely backyard garden produce...definitely off my normal path.

So, Mom's anatomy lessons came in handy

I used much of my understanding of anatomy and pulled from memory the pages of my mother's anatomy text book I loved to flip through as a child. Instead of the nice smooth lines of youth, I chose to instead focus on the crippling deformities of age. It also helps that my mother would point out every bone in my body and tell me how it connected and why.